Saturday, February 14, 2009


From this course, I found the introduction of program ExpressScribe most useful for me. Thanks to the characteristics such as free, convenient and match to windows offices, ExpressScribe makes the best assistant for me. To meet the requirement of Dr. Lather’s class, I took it into practice many times.
I guess I take advantage from it most because the function of speed control in the panel. Therefore, I don’t have to rewind the file many times to clarify some words I missed.

Overall, I am so satisfied with this class. The instructor is nice and friendly (that’s very TRUE!). The materials are well-organized, and offer many additional resources for me to explore. As a very first beginner as a qualitative research learner, I don’t have much to share but I do have a gainful support network from this class.

Thank you so much, Lanrie^^

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for your insights. Good luck with your research and studies!
